Studio Deen

Hiroshi Hasegawa, originally from Tokyo Television Animation, founded Studio Dean Co., Ltd. on March 14, 1975. The studio specialized in finishing inspections for Sunrise Studio and later became a production base. In 1982, Studio Dean started production work, initially collaborating with Shinei Douga. It gained recognition after working on “Urusei Yatsura 2” and became a full-fledged production studio, taking over projects from Studio Pierrot.

Throughout the 1990s, Studio Dean produced various Kitty Film works. The company became a stock company in April 1994 and relocated its head office in January 2006. It formed a business alliance with Ima Group Co., Ltd. in 2011 and has subsidiaries in China and Korea. Studio Dean is involved in character production, license management, and music CD production. It has collaborated on projects like “i-style Project” and “Project Yumenikki.” Additionally, it manages animation production, commercialization, and licensing in Japan for the TV animation “Reikenzan.”

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