In December 2007, Hayato Kaneko, the head of the production division at Frontline and the production producer of “PRISM ARK,” started an independent company as a spin-off. Initially, they focused on subcontracting and gross contracting for drawing work.

In 2009, they began prime contract production for “Tayutama -Kiss on my Deity-” and invested in the production committee for the first time in “Baka to Test to Shokanju” in 2010. Additional departments for background, CG, and photography were established in 2015. Editing works were primarily handled by Yusuke Katada and Kentaro Tsubone (REAL-T).

In April 2012, the company’s headquarters moved to a new location, and they established “CONNECT Co., Ltd.” as a subsidiary. CONNECT served as the main contractor for “Strike the Blood III” from 2018 to 2019.

Since 2016, the production desk is called the “chief manager,” setting production is the “setting manager,” and production progress is the “production manager.” On February 1 of the same year, BEEP Co., Ltd. merged with SILVER LINK. The name “BEEP” continued to be credited in some works even after the merger as a brand of the overseas department.

On July 17, 2020, SILVER LINK. merged with its subsidiary, CONNECT, with SILVER LINK. as the surviving company. The name “CONNECT” is retained as a division of SILVER LINK.

On August 3 of the same year, Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings Co., Ltd. acquired all shares of SILVER LINK. for 250 million yen. The new company, SILVER LINK., became a wholly owned subsidiary of Asahi Broadcasting Group Holdings.

SILVER LINK. is associated with ufotable and occasionally collaborates with them in production and the sale of original goods through the anime goods sales company “IDEA CREATE” and official online shop. These goods are also available in stores.

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