MAPPA (MAPPA Co., Ltd.) is a Japanese animation studio established in June 2011 by Masao Maruyama, after leaving Madhouse. It currently employs 360 staff members across its Tokyo and Sendai studios as of April 2023.

Originally, Maruyama aimed for the film “In This Corner of the World” to be MAPPA’s debut release, which was eventually completed in 2016. However, prior to that, the studio had collaborated on “Kids on the Slope” and “Hajime no Ippo: Rising,” and had already produced its first original anime, “Terror in Resonance.”

The name MAPPA stands for Maruyama Animation Produce Project Association. In 2016, Maruyama stepped down as president to establish Studio M2, and was succeeded by Manabu Ootsuka, a former employee of Studio 4ยฐC.

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