Kyoto Animation

Kyoto Animation, also known as KyoAni, is a Japanese animation studio based in Uji, Kyoto Prefecture. Founded in 1981 by Youko Hatta and her husband Hideaki Hatta, the company initially provided finishing work for other studios. However, in 1986, they established their own drawing department. By the mid-90s, Kyoto Animation had built a strong reputation in the industry and collaborated with well-known studios like Gonzo, Shin-Ei Animation, and Sunrise.

In 2003, they released their first in-house production, the Munto OVA, followed by the television anime Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu. The studio gained worldwide attention on July 18, 2019, when an arson attack tragically destroyed their original studio, Studio 1, in Fushimi, resulting in the loss of 36 lives.

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