
Founded in 1981 by Hideaki Anno, Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Takami Akai, and Shinji Higuchi, Studio Gainax emerged from the anime fan scene. Initially known as Daicon Film, the founders sold homemade garage kits of popular anime characters before venturing into film production. Their first notable works were the opening films for the anime convention Daicon III and IV in 1981 and 1982, which gained attention for their references and guest appearances from popular anime series.

In 1984, the studio changed its name to Gainax, derived from a dialect term meaning “great.” Despite facing financial challenges, Gainax produced Wings of Honneamise with the support of Bandai, followed by other successful projects. The studio continues to prioritize its fan-centric approach, as depicted in the mockumentary Otaku no Video.

Alongside anime, Gainax ventured into male-oriented computer games featuring female characters, pioneering the life simulation and dating simulation genres. In 1995, they launched a website and forum that fostered discussion on the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, contributing to its success. Yasuhiro Takeda serves as the acting manager, while Hiroyuki Yamaga leads the studio as the boss.

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