Anime Festival Asia (AFA)
C3AFA, also known as Anime Festival Asia (AFA), is a popular series of anime conventions in Southeast Asia. The main convention takes place annually in Singapore, usually in late November or early December. It was initially held at the Suntec Singapore International Convention and Exhibition Centre but later moved to the Singapore Expo MAX Pavilion in 2012. However, it returned to the Suntec Convention Centre in 2013 and has remained there since.
In addition to the main convention in Singapore, satellite conventions have been held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Jakarta, Indonesia; Bangkok, Thailand; and Greater Jakarta, Indonesia.
AFA also organizes business conferences focused on the anime and manga industry, starting with the Animation Asia Conference in 2009.
The attendance at AFA has been consistently growing, with 94,270 attendees in 2016, 96,000 in 2017, and 105,000 in 2018. The total cumulative attendance from 2008 to 2018 is approximately 1,700,000.
SOZO Pte Ltd manages the continued organization of AFA and its flagship Japanese music concert, I Love Anisong. In 2017, SOZO partnered with Sotsu, the organizer of C3 events in Japan, Hong Kong, and China, forming C3AFA. In 2018, SOZO and Eliphant, the organizer of GameStart, a gaming and sports event in Singapore, formed a strategic alliance to bring more content to the region.