AIC Studios
Anime International Company, Inc. (AIC) is a Japanese animation studio based in Nerima, Tokyo. Established in 1982 by Kazushi Nomura and Toru Miura, AIC initially focused on producing works during the OVA boom. Over time, it expanded into game production and publishing. In 2008, AIC underwent a corporate restructuring and became a subsidiary of MCP Synergy.
Later, it became a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oizumi Corporation and then Aplix Corporation. In 2014, Toru Miura acquired all shares of the studio. The studio’s sub-studios included AIC ASTA, AIC Build, AIC Classic, AIC Digital, AIC PLUS+, and AIC Frontier. Additionally, it had various departments and a recording studio called AIC Eastside Studio.
In 2015, the animation production department was disbanded. Yasutaka Omura became the representative director in 2015, but Toru Miura reassumed the position in 2020. In 2023, AIC transferred its classic IPs to AIC RIGHTS.